Batman's appearance, and his world around him, changes drastically depending on what artist draws him. With characters like Batman or Superman I think the feel is generally more important than continuity, but it is interesting how different artists depict the gravestone/stones of the Wayne parents. Sometimes there are two, sometimes the stone is one shared monolithic memorial.

The above panel appears in Batman year one, and is very powerful, especially in the context of the page/issue. Art By David Mazzucchelli and colors by Richmond Lewis.

Here we have a panel from the final issue of Batgirl year two, Batman finally and formally welcomes Batgirl to the fold, and she finds the reason for the crusade. These tombstones definitely reference the ones in Batman: Year One I'd suspect. Art: Marcos Martin on pencils, Alvaro Lopez on inks and Javier Ridriguez on colors.

In the seemingly completely forgotten Batman: Year Two (written by Mike W.Barr with art by Alan Davis and Todd McFarlane) the Wayne family plot undergoes a transformation, both sharing one marker. Certainly easier for Bruce to drape himself over. Above art: Todd Mcfarlane on pencils, Alfredo Alcala on inks and Steve Oliff/Gloria Vasquez on colors.

Here we have the Wayne plot as seen in the Tim Sale-illustrated, Jeph Loeb written Batman : The Long Halloween. Martha seems to have gotten a much more impressive tomb than Thomas, perhaps an indication of which parent Bruce loved more? Gregory Wright on colors here. (in the context of the comic, Bruce is under the influence of the Scarecrow's fear toxin, and being chased by the police for suspicion of the holiday murders.)
Below is an image from Gotham by Gaslight, once again the Waynes share a tombstone. Pencils by Mike Mignola, inks by P. Craig Russell, David Horning on colors and John Workan doing the letters.

And there we have it! Not an all encompassing collection, but a smattering of examples from my collection. Hope it was interesting!
am i the only one who thinks the Todd McF one is kind of hilarious? he is feeling up that grave pretty good... also he has no body.
anyway, this is totally interesting. i actually wouldn't mind an looking through more examples. an all encompassing coffee table book could be your million dollar scheme
I will Plumb the depths of my collection. Perhaps add more over time!
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